Stories From The Muses: Become a Better Writer
As one of the 14 authors in this book, I share in the vulnerability and courage it took to peel back layers of our lives in essays and poems written from the energy of seven archetypal muses. All of us have within us a child, virgin, mother, seductress, huntress, medusa, and crone (or their male counterparts). As students of Method Writing, every week we showed up to the page to see where the muse would take us. I have studied Method Writing for over 20 years now, and as a teacher and facilitator of poetry therapy, this process allows me to once again be the student, the beginner, surprised by the places the writing takes me. In this book, our teacher, Jules Swales, offers a road map to your own exploration of these muses. All proceeds will go to help other writers who have a story to tell but can’t afford to publish.
Read Jennie’s Poem from this book, I Wanted to Give What I Had Not Gotten